when it hurts so much your heart feels fit to burst,
let it burst, and fill it up again with your love

before you follow

yes we stan wolisaie

"We are very particular when it comes to platonic and romantic relationships with the characters in Final Fantasy XIV," Ishikawa explains. "Especially in their relation to the player character. Sometimes we get away with little scenes hinting at romance, for example, the brief exchange with Alisaie in Shadowbringers. In most cases, though, it is up to the player to determine what the relationship is."So if you imagined there's a romantic element with a particular character,
you're perfectly fine in doing so."
— Natsuko Ishikawa, interview with VG24/7 2019

"I understand many of you think of Alisaie as your waifu... Alphinaud is a husbando, and you want to go pay respects to their parents. I understand."
— The man himself Naoki Yoshida, Endwalker Live Letter 2021

And let's be more explicit. Marina and Alisaie are the same age, many years have passed since the events of A Realm Reborn, and they are fictional characters besides.

anti shippers should go touch some grass

The Guardian Angel of Etheirys

Born13 Nymeia 1561 — April 13
Old Sharlayan
RaceMiqo'te, Sunseeker
ParentsAnthea Valenheart
M'alachi Valenheart
Edmont de Fortemps (adopted)
ProfessionRed Sage - a blend of healing and offense employing nouliths for red magick

The central axis of fate. Warrior of Light and Darkness, Champion of Eorzea, Savior of Ishgard, Liberator of Doma and Ala Mhigo, a shining beacon of hope, the guardian angel of all Etheirys. Lady Marina Valenheart de Fortemps is a woman of endless titles, though none ever seem to convey the hardships she's endured to earn them.Since the star-spanning cataclysm of the Final Days in 1583, and subsequent dissolution of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, Marina has lived quietly at her cottage in the Lavender Beds of Gridania with her wife, Alisaie. She also looks after the children of the Angel's Nest Orphanage in Ishgard's Firmament district, and is infrequently seen liaising with new arrivals at the Gridania Adventurers' Guild.Little is known to Eorzea about Marina outside of the near-mythical tales of her adventures, owing to the secretive nature of her work with the Scions. Those closest to her are rarely willing to discuss her personally.


Despite her legendary reputation, Marina is rather unassuming at a distance, and only slightly more recognizable up close. She is a miqo'te of short stature who carries herself with almost balletic grace, often able to flow through a crowd without attracting attention to herself or leaving any trace she was there at all.One is advised to watch for her pine green hair marked with streaks of brilliant white, reportedly a lasting side effect of her adventures in the world of the First. She typically wears rolanberry-colored glasses, tastefully framing her mismatched turquoise and hazel eyes, but can occasionally be found without them when she's employing magical means of correcting her eyesight instead. Most distinguishing is the red ribbon tied around her right ear, a match for the ribbons Alisaie Valenheart uses in her braids.Most often, Marina wears a long white coat, cable knit fleece with embroidered leather sides, which is enchanted to harden like stone when struck with physical or magical force. Her other outfits nearly always feature green dyes that match her hair, be they handmade sweaters and skirts, or more elaborate woven armors. She almost never exposes her back in order to conceal a pair of horrific scars, resembling wings, that she received in the First.


Marina is soft-spoken, unfailingly kind, ever willing to lend a hand to those in need, but not described as particularly friendly. Those who meet her often aren't aware who she is, as she never boasts of her many accomplishments. Nonetheless, wherever she goes the story of a wayward guardian angel tends to follow, blossoming into a realization that the Warrior of Light herself has passed through.When on a venture Marina is reassuringly calm, focused on the task at hand, a beacon of hope for her party. Many a fledgling adventurer has returned to the Guild speaking of newfound confidence in their own abilities for having been under her wing. On the many occasions the star itself was threatened, the Scions speak of Marina's willingness to face deepest darkness without protest, although such praise is tinged with their concern.In truth, and in private, Marina suffers from profound stress as a result of the traumas she's endured across her journey. Anxious hesitations on a venture, bouts of paralyzing depression, and panicked screams from Echo-enhanced nightmares are more common than she would like to admit. To her great credit, Alisaie does a commendable job anchoring Marina during such moments of despair, ever ready to raise her up again when she falls.


Blending the aether-channeling capabilities of Sharlayan nouliths with the balance of astral- and umbral-aspected red magick, Marina is specialized in a bespoke healer class she calls red sage. She is unable to channel aether herself, and so relies on floating nouliths to gather and store ambient aether to be released in a variety of spells common to red mages. In addition, Marina employs a staff crowned with a piece of the Crystal Tower, used as a single noulith for her more routine duties as a healer away from combat.In 1577, at the age of 16, Marina joined the Archers Guild of Gridania, using the skills her mother taught her in her childhood. After months of training the basics, Marina began experimenting with Anthea's practice of conjuring arrows entirely of raw aether from specially crafted quivers, and by 1578 had achieved startling proficiency.Following the disastrous raid on the Vault of Saint Thordan's Basilica in 1579, Marina abandoned her archery and trained as a conjurer. The wound left by the aetherial spear that felled Ser Haurchefant was too grave for anyone to heal, and so she vowed never to allow a comrade to perish on her watch again. Once again within months she had attained a high level of mastery in the craft, and it served her well through the campaigns in Ala Mhigo and Doma in 1580 despite repeated warnings against using her own aether for the purpose.When she arrived in the First reflection of Etheirys in 1582, Marina returned to archery to avoid unpredictable effects from the astral aether choking the star. As the Lightwardens of Norvrandt fell before her, the Scions remarked upon the increasing potency of her aetherial arrows, until at the pinnacle of Mount Gulg it seemed a single arrow could pierce clean through an army of foes. Such potency revealed the catastrophic extent to which Light had corrupted her aether, and shortly thereafter Marina was transformed into the Lightwarden Forgiven Sorrow.Upon her recovery, Marina resorted to ordinary arrows and the simplest bow to see the Scions safely home to the Source. Marina learned red magick from Alisaie, balancing umbral aether with her bounty of astral aether to powerful effect, and Alisaie's delight at the ferocity of her Verholy proved infectious. Though still preferring to act as a healer whenever possible, Marina remained a red mage until 1583.Marina retired from adventuring after the conclusion of the Final Days, having expended her aether so completely in the effort it cost her life. Despite a miraculous resurrection, she could no longer manipulate the vast pool of aether within her, nor the aether without. Months would pass before she was seen in the Black Shroud practicing with nouliths, and as of 1586 advertises herself as a red sage, her healing magicks as potent as ever.And as for her combat abilities in these late 1580s, those few beasts and men who survive challenging her tell of divine fury, of columns of light outshining even Alisaie's strongest Verholy. Of course, such stories are hardly to be believed...

Soteria, Sorrows Forgiven

"She who slays a Lightwarden becomes a Lightwarden...
and I fear for your friend who has slain them all..."

Though Marina returned to her adventuring ways in 1585, she relies on nouliths to channel aether into her magick. That is, unless the struggle at hand proves too much to withstand, whereupon those in her presence report a terrifying transformation. Her hair flashes white, her eyes appear to glow, and blinding wings of light erupt from her back. The calm and reassuring demeanor of the Warrior of Light vanishes, replaced with a savage fury that can only be described as divine retribution.The archangel Soteria—an amalgamation of the last seat of Azem, the combined Lightwardens of the First, and the most fervent wishes for deliverance from harm—is an entity of fearsome power that commands the expansive pool of aether once used in Marina's spellcasting. Able to conjure a variety of physical weapons, from staves to greatswords to aetherial bolts, Soteria emerges when Marina has reached the limit of her abilities, breaking through them with ferocious potency to win any battle Marina or her allies find themselves waging.Dark knights tell stories of whispers of the abyss guiding them on their path, and Soteria serves a similar purpose. Imbued with Emet-Selch's memory of her namesake, his long-forgotten beloved, she is a gift to ensure Marina never again consumes herself in an effort to deliver Etheirys to safety. Apart from the Warrior of Light, the only individual known to communicate with the angel is Alisaie, to whom Soteria entrusted the sole privilege of directing her light's wrath.

From Warden to Guardian

As Emet-Selch expected, the Light of the First proved too much for Marina to bear, and despite holding on for several more days than he would have liked, she finally succumbed to the corrosion and transformed before the Scions in Amaurot. Forgiven Sorrow, it called itself, after the despair that consumed the Warrior of Light. Its reign was short-lived, as Marina's mind lingered inside, too inquisitive and stubborn to be extinguished.With the aid of her soul's First shard, Ardbert, she asserted control over the rabid fury of the Lightwarden and turned it on Emet-Selch to defeat him, after which she was seemingly restored to her normal self, albeit bearing twin scars of the Warden's wings, free from its influence.In early 1583, as Marina battled the Endsinger in Ultima Thule, her will to survive recalled Forgiven Sorrow's potency as a force to defeat the strongest evils. Its luminous wings manifested of dynamis, forming a direct conduit to her pool of aether, supercharging her every spell. But so too did it intensify her emotions, driving Marina into a blind rage against Zenos viator Galvus in the deepest reach of the Endsinger's Ultimatum. The mad prince managed to tear the wings from her back, fatally wounding them both in the ensuing explosion of aether.The Scions' prayers for her safety, and Alisaie's in particular, reached Emet-Selch still resting in the aetherial sea, and though he caught and returned Marina's soul to life he did so conditionally. He wove fragments of her soul around her aether, imbuing it with his memory of her unsundered self and dominion over her magick. Marina resisted at first, incapable of performing her sacred duty as the Warrior of Light without her healing, but once pulled back from the brink of self-destruction by the Scions she has come to understand and accept the angelic alter ego imposed upon her.

The Supporting Cast

Alisaie Leveilleur-Valenheart

The Wind Beneath Her Wings

Born14 Thaliak 1561 — March 14
Sharlayan Colony, Dravania
RaceElezen, Wildwood
ParentsAmeliance Leveilleur
Fourchenault Leveilleur
ProfessionRed Mage, Paladin

The Warrior of Light's trusted right arm, a woman of action, Lady Alisaie Valenheart of House Leveilleur is Marina's eternally bonded wife and most beloved companion.While they first met aboard the Astalicia bound for Eorzea, and perhaps even earlier than that in their earliest childhoods, Alisaie properly met Marina during her expedition into the coils of Dalamud in 1578. The Warrior of Light inspired her to forge her own path, and Alisaie would spend months in that pursuit, although out of admiration or adoration she couldn't say.

Over the course of their campaign to liberate Ala Mhigo and Doma, Alisaie developed strong distaste for the self-sacrificial tendencies held by heroes of the realm, particularly when Marina threw herself into danger to protect everyone around her. Alisaie found herself relying on Marina's strength more than she expected, and dreamed of a day when it would no longer be needed.That dream carried her through her time alone on the First, fighting against the primordial Light the way her Warrior would have. When Marina succumbed to its corrosion, Alisaie blazed a path through Amaurot to reach her, and ultimately stabbed the Lightwarden through the heart to free Marina from its grasp. They have been inseparable ever since.Where Marina is hailed as the star's guardian angel, Alisaie is hailed as hers. She is fiercely devoted to the miqo'te's wellbeing, especially after the Final Days, and where one goes the other always seems to be close behind. While Marina recovered from her battle in Ultima Thule, Alisaie took up training with the Temple Knights of Ishgard as a paladin, and even dabbled in the sage arts in solidarity when Marina began learning to use nouliths.Alisaie is not without her own troubles, however. Her dreams of horrors past are just as vivid as Marina's, and moments of helplessness occasionally trigger deeper fears about her strength. In these times, Alisaie can always look to her beloved for comfort, be it in the form of the angel's divine fury delivering the both of them from harm, or a simple caress of the cheek beneath the blanket of night.

The Scions of the Seventh Dawn

unbreakable bonds forged in Light

A secretive organization of like-minded adventurers, the Scions became Marina's family almost immediately, and their ties have only strengthened over their many adventures.

Alphinaud Leveilleur is Marina's oldest friend, having accompanied her since the raid on the Waking Sands in 1578. In the early days he had a terrible habit of treating her unfairly, lording over her that he was over a month older. The collapse of the Crystal Braves and the events of the Dragonsong War stamped that out of him rather quickly, and their friendship strengthened as the years and adventures passed. Alphinaud had hoped to one day win Marina's personal affections, but he never managed to express it, and so his sister Alisaie ran away with the Warrior of Light instead.

G'raha Tia looks to Marina as his greatest inspiration, enamored by the tales of her early adventures, and especially those inherited from the Crystal Exarch's doomed future after the Eighth Umbral Calamity. Reality closed in after she woke him on the Source, as her heart had already been claimed by another, and the grand stories of the Warrior of Light had never accounted for the destructive effect they had on the woman herself. At the edge of the sea of stars, G'raha vowed to make amends for thinking of her as the Warrior first, and since her retirement has found his own ways to have adventures like his hero.

Zero is one of the most recent additions to the Scions, recovered from the broken Thirteenth reflection of Etheirys in 1585. On her first encounter with them in Troia she was apprehensive about the angel sleeping within Marina's aether, the Lightwarden she'd inadvertently awoken as Zenos' avatar in Garlemald. Fortunately, Marina's kindness and the Scions' selfless nature thawed the millenia of isolation the half-voidsent had endured, and over the following weeks she became just another beloved member of the family. Zero is closest to Y'shtola and Alisaie, to whom she is grateful for teaching her how to truly be alive.

Y'shtola Rhul is generally regarded as the matriarch of the Scions, quick-witted and sharp-tongued, often the only member capable of ordering the others around. Marina thinks of her as the elder sister she never had, and laments Y'shtola's many dips in the aetherial sea that cost her sight. In turn, the scars of Marina's journey are writ plain upon her soul, which Y'shtola's aethersight shows her at all times. She has begun to thaw her more frigid tendencies, and harbors a deep love for all the Scions that shows through in her budding relationship with Zero.

Thancred Waters is the eldest of the Scions, and not only due to his extended time alone on the First. He's often found himself acting as a father to the younger Scions, particularly Ascilia, Ryne, and Marina herself. Thancred is given to downplay his influence, preferring to let his actions speak for themselves, but none can ignore his resolve to survive for a new dawn. In the wake of the Final Days, he forged a stronger bond with Marina, able to understand and offer comfort for her self-destructive despair at the loss of her magical abilities.

Urianger Augurelt

Estinien Varlineau

Anthea Valenheart

Warrior of Light

Born5 Llymlaen 1538 — May 5
Deceased27 Rhalgr 1572 — August 27
Seventh Umbral Calamity,
RaceMiqo'te, Sunseeker
ProfessionAetherial Bowmaster

Archon Anthea Valenheart was the preeminent adventurer of her day. Having attained her rank at the Studium for her research into advanced crystallography, in particular the chromatic variants of auracite, Anthea was a master of the storage and conjuration of material aether. She often traveled to Eorzea with Archon Louisoix Leveilleur and his Circle of Knowing, employing a magical quiver of aetherial arrows to defend the people of Eorzea against the myriad threats against the realm. She led many a party to victory, and in the waning years of the Sixth Astral Era was known as the Warrior of Light, Hydaelyn's chosen champion.

When not traveling across Aldenard, Anthea returned home to Arkethos in the Northern Empty to be with her family. There she regaled her daughter Marina with tales of her exploits on the mainland and taught her how to fend for herself in the wilderness away from the village. To balance the vibrant but careless curiosity Marina was learning from her father, Anthea taught her to pause and observe, to understand the world around her not through its matter but its purpose. Marina learned to value life in all its forms, and eagerly awaited her mother's many returns from ventures to share her observations.In 1572, with Garlemald in open war against Eorzea, Anthea participated in a number of raids against their installations, including the destruction of a transmitter calling the red moon Dalamud to the ground. In the end, she left Marina behind on the docks of Sharlayan to follow Louisoix to Carteneau as the moon hung low in the sky, and vanished from memory as the Seventh Umbral Calamity came to pass.Records of Anthea's heroics can be found at the Gridania Adventurers' Guild, although none in Eorzea can recall personally working with her.

M'alachi Valenheart

The Mad Archon

Born28 Oschon 1536 — June 28
Deceased30 Byregot 1575 — July 30
Arkethos, Isle of Haam
RaceMiqo'te, Sunseeker

A reclusive, unfriendly man with an obsession for the clockwork of nature, Archon M'alachi Valenheart was an unparalleled expert in aetherodynamics and the celestial currents high above Etheirys. His disastrous experiments upon the aurora in the isolated fishing village of Arkethos, far north of Old Sharlayan, earned him the nickname "the Mad Archon" when rumors of the aftermath reached the young scholars of the Studium.M'alachi held a deep distrust of the Sharlayan Forum after Fourchenault Leveilleur orchestrated the exodus from their colony in Dravania in 1562. In protest of the Forum's increasing inscrutability, M'alachi moved the Valenhearts north to Arkethos, to raise their daughter far from Sharlayan's influence, and to advance his research in peace.The sad irony—of responding to Sharlayan isolationism by himself isolating the family—was unfortunately lost on him.

While his wife Anthea ventured to mainland Eorzea as a member of the Circle of Knowing, M'alachi did his best to instruct Marina in the fundamentals of reading and writing, of basic arithmetic and the foundation of scientific analysis. "What can you see?" was a common question he and Anthea posed to their daughter, to encourage her to understand and articulate her thoughts and surroundings. Unfortunately, the Archons Valenheart were united in little else.Each time Anthea embarked on the ship bound for Eorzea, M'alachi protested the fact his wife was following a Leveilleur's lead for the sake of a land too unenlightened not to destroy itself in war. He was proven right in 1572 as the red moon Dalamud crashed into the star, claiming his foolish wife and leaving him to raise Marina alone. M'alachi retreated into his research on the fabric of creation, with the intent on tearing into the aetherial sea, the lifestream itself, to retrieve Anthea's departed spirit for his daughter's sake.His attempt in 1575 was a catastrophic failure, blasting a crater in the forest outside Arkethos and leaving not a trace of the Mad Archon to bury. Fourchenault Leveilleur saw personally to the cleanup, and brought the orphaned Marina to Sharlayan to leave with whatever scholar would take her. History would remember M'alachi as having thoroughly perished in his effort to breach the worlds, and his research to that effect is locked deep within Sharlayan's forbidden archives.

Ketran Hasenkamp

The Word of Mother Hydaelyn

BornOschon 1527 — June
RaceViera, Veena
ProfessionCleric, formerly lancer

The only known survivor of Louisoix Leveilleur's great spell that ended the Sixth Astral Era in 1572, Ketran Hasenkamp is an adventurer out of time. The Archon's spell intended to cast all those on the fields of Carteneau into the future, past the worst of Bahamut's devastation, but in the deluge of aether that followed none could remember him doing so. And worse, none ever appeared, save one.Ketran blinked back into existence at the Treespeak Stables in the North Shroud in 1582, bearing only the memory of the last few moments of the battle and her place within it. She was the Warrior of Light's trusted ally, a lancer with the Order of the Twin Adders, and had traveled with Anthea Valenheart to Carteneau where they were to make their last stand against the red moon. Their stand didn't last long, and once the elder primal Bahamut burst forth to lay waste to Etheirys their small party gathered together in hopes of surviving the end beneath Louisoix's colossal shield. And there Ketran's memory ends.

She recalls Anthea praying to Hydaelyn, the very will of the star Herself, praying for their safe passage through the unfolding Calamity. Ketran remembers her praying most that her daughter would survive, and that She would not burden her with the same divine purpose. Unable to remember her life before the Calamity, Ketran held on to the only other name in her memory: Marina Valenheart, Anthea's daughter.Upon taking up residence at the Carline Canopy, Ketran began piecing together what she could of the events that transpired in the ten summers since the Seventh Umbral Calamity. She heard tales of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, and their champion Warrior of Light, and most of these stories strained credulity. The Warrior had singlehandedly driven Garlemald from Eorzea, from Ala Mhigo, from Doma, ended the thousand-year Dragonsong War in Ishgard. Surely no single person, nor even a group the supposed size of the Scions, was capable of all that.Then came the Final Days, meteors raining from on high, awakening impossibly ancient memories, and suddenly a voice calling to her. Beneath burning skies reminiscent of Carteneau, Ketran led a congregation of Gridanians in prayer to the will of the star Herself, guided by the fading voice of Hydaelyn in her heart. A cleric of the fallen Ishgardian Orthodox Church joined her for several days, helping to refine Ketran's attempted sermons into a shining beacon of will that, unbeknownst to them, shielded Gridania from the worst effects of the cataclysm.When Etheirys was at last delivered from the abyss—and rumor had it the Warrior of Light herself was responsible—Ketran continued her evangelism across the Black Shroud, coalescing her followers into a Church of Hydaelyn to carry on the will of the star after Her voice had fallen silent. At the Rising Festival of 1584, a year and a half after the Final Days, Ketran finally chanced to run across Louisoix's granddaughter Alisaie, with the Warrior of Light herself wrapped around her arm. Learning that this mythical miqo'te was in fact the lingering name from her memories, Ketran and Marina became fast friends.

Tesleen Valenheart

Ishgardian Seraph

Born(in a possible future)
RaceElezen, with miqo'te

Years after the storied adventures of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn come to a close, Tesleen Valenheart is born in Ishgard to a retired Marina and Alisaie. She is named for the fearless former caretaker of the Inn at Journey's Head in the First reflection of Etheirys, and dedicates herself to the healing arts as a chirurgeon.That Tesleen is born at all bespeaks Ishgard's progressive development in this possible future. Where once even the trivial blending of hyuran and elezen blood was considered most shameful heresy, now the blending of miqo'te and elezen blood (and that of two women besides!) comes with little political fanfare. Tesleen, like so many others, is simply another daughter of Ishgard.Who just happens to specifically be the daughter of Ishgard's most revered hero.

Our Story So Far

Youngster - 1561

"you are a dash of sunshine in our dreary cup of life"

Born to the Archons M'alachi and Anthea Valenheart in 1561, Marina spent much of her childhood with eyes fixed upon the horizon. Her father moved the family out of Old Sharlayan in protest of the exodus from Dravania, settling in the village of Arkethos on the northern Isle of Haam.Though removed from Sharlayan academia, Marina learned to read and write at an early age. When Anthea would venture to distant Eorzea, Marina would assist her father with his research into the clockwork of nature, sharing in his insatiable curiosity. When home, she shared her mother's love for life, and Anthea taught her the fundamentals of archery and magick.Each year Marina accompanied her mother to Old Sharlayan, both to gather what supplies the seafaring gleaners wouldn't return to Arkethos, and also simply to expose her to more than M'alachi's work and their tiny village. On one such occasion Anthea left her in Ameliance Leveilleur's care, a perk of their longstanding friendship and her position as Louisoix's most valued adventurer. Little Marina may have met Ameliance's precocious twins, but doesn't remember for certain.

Survivor - 1572

"if you think of me, I shall be with you always"

As the sun set on the Sixth Astral Era with rumors of a dark plot growing in Garlemald's occupation of Eorzea, Anthea returned to Arkethos for the last time. She spoke of a divine purpose placed upon her by Hydaelyn Herself, calling her and Louisoix's Circle of Knowing to Carteneau to forestall the coming cataclysm. She and M'alachi argued late into the night, angrily rebuking each other for the sake of their daughter's future, until the next morning she made ready to depart. M'alachi fumed at her foolish decision while Marina wailed.Skies burned, the land quaked, and as the Seventh Umbral Calamity rejoined a shard of Etheirys Marina was beset by nightmares of falling stars. Archon Urianger Augurelt arrived a week later to deliver the grave news: though few could concretely describe the events, it seemed Louisoix had cast a monumental spell to banish the elder primal Bahamut, and in so doing vanished along with all those gathered on the Carteneau Plains.M'alachi retreated into his work, drawing plans for a machine to tear apart the veil between worlds and reach into the aetherial sea itself. For years he toiled in his endeavor, sending his daughter to the village to relay supply orders to what gleaners still plied the coast. Finally, in 1575 he made his attempt, causing a catastrophic explosion deep in the forest outside Arkethos. Fourchenault Leveilleur personally saw to the cleanup, and as she had no remaining family took teenaged Marina to an orphanage in Old Sharlayan.

Adventurer - 1577

"when I think of the woman you are, I am inspired"

Upon reaching the age of 16, Marina boarded the first ship she could find bound for Eorzea, desperate to learn what happened to her mother. None could remember Anthea much less provide answers, save for Mother Miounne of the Gridania Adventurers' Guild who had at least the foresight to leave a record of her passing. Dismayed, Marina joined the local archery guild to earn a living.Within a few months she'd made a name for herself as a preternaturally skilled hunter, able to predict her targets' reactions and keep herself out of harm's way, and began to assist the Twin Adders in their defense of the forests. Before long, her efforts drew the attention of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, descendants of Louisoix's Circle of Knowing.Marina's nightmares of calamity gave way to an audience with the will of the star Herself, Hydaelyn. She explained the nature of Marina's abilities to be the Echo, a gift She bestowed to protect her from the primals being summoned across Eorzea by their regional tribes. Soon after, Marina was directly contacted by Minfilia Warde of the Scions, and formally asked to join their ranks to put down the primal threat and restore their aether to the land.She made quick work of the primals Ifrit and Titan, and word spread of an adventurer forging a new legend in the Seventh Era. Unfortunately for the Scions, the Garlean XIVth Legion took notice of her exploits, and ransacked their headquarters at the Waking Sands, slaughtering all within.

Eikonslayer - 1578

"for those we have lost, for those we can yet save"

Under the direction of Alphinaud Leveilleur, grandson of the great Archon and scarcely a month older than herself, Marina led an expedition to expel the XIVth Legion from Eorzea, emptying their strongholds in Castrums Occidens, Marinum, and Meridianum, and finally leveling the Praetorium housing a fearsome Ultima Weapon. Thus victorious, the nascent reformed Eorzean Alliance proclaimed Marina to be the singular Warrior of Light.Over the year, she joined expeditions into the mysterious Crystal Tower of Mor Dhona and deep into the binding coils of Dalamud beneath La Noscea. The latter adventure introduced her to Alphinaud's twin, Alisaie, swiftly bewitched by Marina's aetherial archery, selfless nature, and penchant for plucking a harp and singing to herself.But trouble simmered under the Scions' noses, as Alphinaud's attempt to form an independent Grand Company ran afoul of political machinations far above his expertise. In the midst of striking an alliance with Ishgard, the Crystal Braves assaulted the Scions with allegations of regicide, and most seemingly perished in Ul'dah so Marina, Alphinaud, and receptionist Tataru Taru could escape.

Peacemaker - 1579

"fate can be cruel, but a smile better suits a hero"

Forced north, Marina spent her 18th nameday under the care of Haurchefant Greystone and House Fortemps of Ishgard. Eager to restore the good name of the Scions, she set about assisting Alphinaud in ending the centuries-long Dragonsong War.

Wayfarer - 1580

"to be frank this is not my fight, but I shall do what I must"

After a painful defeat in Rhalgr's Reach near Marina's 19th nameday, the Scions focused their attention on freeing the far eastern nation of Doma.

Liberator - 1581

"all that pain yet there you stand, unbroken"

A year later, they had succeeded in securing the capitol, and returned to Ala Mhigo with an allied army to drive Garlemald off the continent altogether.Throughout their campaign, Marina and Alisaie found themselves relying on each other more than any other Scion. Their mutual allergy to heroic sacrifice, however, prevented them from admitting any deeper feelings, lest they begin a doomed romance.Doom found them anyway, as one by one the other Scions were called across the Rift to the First, until only the pair were left. Alisaie implored Marina not to leave her alone, only to be taken herself hours later in the Ghimlyt Dark. Marina was said to be inconsolable.

Lightwarden - 1582

"so please, don't you dare leave me alone"

Marina did not rest until she found Alisaie in the First, though their reunion was chilled by the elezen's extra year there. Marina took up the chakrams of a dancer with ease, and over several weeks destroyed the Lightwardens choking the world's aether, unaware of the danger to her own.The Light proved too much to contain, and Marina fled the Scions after absorbing the last Warden. They would find her days later as Alisaie burned a trail through the sunken illusion of Amaurot. Marina was briefly transformed into a Lightwarden herself, Forgiven Sorrow, before expending the Light in a cataclysmic blow to Emet-Selch.Marina and Alisaie confessed their love immediately after, and the two became inseparable. Marina celebrated her 21st nameday in the First. Soon after, following the defeat of Elidibus, she carried the Scions' souls safely back home to the Source.

Fatebearer - 1583

"it's too much to ask of anyone, even her"


Caretaker - 1584

"no more, the time we have left together is too precious"


Voidwalker - 1585

"we need her, I need her, I want my angel back"


Dawntreader - 1586

"this is your future, your story, cherish the horizon"

To be continued...

Reference Library

Tales of the Angel

Longform writing for the critical moments in Marina's timeline too complex for group pose. Typical themes include hurt/comfort, moments of fluff, anxiety and/or depression, and generally a realistic look at what the traumatic events of the main quests does to a person.Forgiven
Consumed by sorrow, smothered by Light, Marina Valenheart's tattered soul struggles to survive. If a Calamity on the Source pierces the veil between worlds, what could pierce the soul? Who could pierce hers? And will she be forgiven for asking?
A Kitten in the Dark
It is said that dreams offer a glimpse into one's soul. What then is Alisaie Leveilleur to make of her nightmares regarding her beloved Warrior of Light? That Marina Valenheart, her tireless guardian angel, has seen little but horror and pain in her time on the First? Or perhaps, there are things left unsaid between them as they prepare to leave the reflection for good. And nothing should be left unsaid. The time left to them is too precious.
On their last night on the First, their dreams lay their souls bare to each other...Warrior's End
Dawn rises on a realm delivered from its Final Days, and thus do we find Marina Valenheart, Warrior of Light, reflecting upon her journey — her triumphant battle with the despair at the heart of creation, the strength of her family's love, and one last adventure that threatens to unravel it all.
For the seat of Azem has ever woven her own doom, ever sought the horizon beyond her grasp. And I wonder, my friend, will you find happiness at journey's end? Could you ever find rest at Warrior's End?

References and Memes

Kwehtter Shenanigans

A mostly complete listing of all the quasicanonical adventures of Marina and Alisaie from their shared Kwehtter account. Not all moments are included because Twitter is a broken hellsite that's only become more hostile to archival.🧵 indicates a thread is attached




Journey to Endwalker

Prompts leading up to the launch of Endwalker by @AbbiRamblesMany of the lore tidbits in this set were changed after Endwalker helped fill in more of Marina's character background.

Wolship Kiss Meme 2022

All Saints' Wake 2022

Fluffvember 2022

Fluffy wholesome shipping prompts by @meepfur